02 January 2011

My three weeks of not working turned into three weeks of playing hard and traveling all around the south (plus KC)... 
Started in Orlando to Kansas City to Lula (HOME!) to Atlanta to Charlotte to Birmingham to Memphis back to Lula and in one more day... finally landing in Orlando.  I plan to unpack my bags and hide them the moment I open my front door.

I had the privilege of celebrating New Year's Eve with some friends in Memphis.  While we rang in the New Year, I couldn't help but be a tiny bit reminiscent.  2010 is a year I'll always hold dear to my heart... 
I started off the year working at my beloved UGA Wesley Foundation with some of the best friends a girl could ask for.  I graduated from UGA, moved to Orlando, started a new job and started my Master's degree at Asbury all before August rolled around.  I found a new home church in sweet Summit and a delightful group of people with whom I can share my life in my connect group... I fell in love with a whole new group of freshmen.  This time they were Knights rather than little Dawgs, but I love them all the same.  I've had more fun in this year than should be allowed... 2011 has some shoes to fill!

On my drive from Birmingham to Lula, I was alone for about 4 hours.  Perfect thinking time which depending on my state of mind can be renewing and refreshing or absolutely painful to be left alone with my thoughts for that long.  This drive was a mix of those.  The Lord blessed me, but He's also challenging me and reminding me of His place in my life.  As a result, I am making a quasi-New Year's Resolution...

In 2011, I am going to simplify. 
This is the message I am hearing from everywhere these days so maybe it is time I started really listening... and acting.
~Declutter... materially, spiritually, socially
(Let's just saying cleaning out the physical closets will be a cinch.  Decluttering the soul stuff is going to be a process, a long, excruiating, but so necessary process. My heart already hurts just writing this.)
~ Return to the basics in my walk with Christ. It's time I stopped making Jesus so complicated.  
~ Some adjustments to my life's rhythm are going to be necessary to create some space for simplicity... Routine- I am happily returning to you my long lost friend.
~ Honesty in relationships... After reading Practicing the Presence of People, I'm even more assured that relationship is much more enjoyable when we allow ourselves to really love others and be okay with that. In protecting ourselves, we miss the joy of being in community.  


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