23 January 2011

I have failed at blogging recently... 
I've been in an alternate state of mind since returning to real life after my extremely long, extended to an astronomical length Christmas vacation.
Can't put my finger on why exactly. 
I'm noticing how prone I am to busyness and forgetting to let myself process and feel and soak life in.  
I let myself work and push through even though I hear the gentle, familiar whisperings of the voice of my Savior. I think He's saying, "Slow down. Rest. Let yourself be at peace."
I don't stop to journal or blog or pray because I'm just too overwhelmed in my mind.
My life really is not that busy... why do I feel overwhelmed?
I'm pretty sure I could win some kind of award for successfully carrying unnecessary burdens for unnecessary lengths of time.  Too bad that is not a credential I want to add to the list... 
My intensive class ends on Tuesday, and maybe that'll be a spirit lifter or at least a check on the to-do list (which we all know is totally a spirit lifter).  

18 January 2011

Do you ever get caught up in the routine of life and even though you enjoy what you do and the people around you and your life in general... but you sometimes question why?  
Why am I pursuing this degree in Counseling? 
Why am I working at Wesley when I could have better paying, less heart entangling jobs?  
Why do I go to church every week and pursue relationship with people there?  
Why do I try so hard to do life well?  

I read a blog of a girl today who was talking about how much campus ministry means to her, how it's shaped her life and brought belonging and acceptance to her.  The tears running down my cheeks answered all those questions for me... 
At times, campus ministry is so much fun that I question the real value in what I do.  
The blog update from that sweet precious girl absolutely reminded me...
Going to Rebounderz with a group of freshmen on MLK Day actually has kingdom purpose. I am helping to provide a place of acceptance in a lonely place.  
 Chatting over a steamy cup of Starbucks effects eternity.  I get to point others to Jesus in their struggles and encourage them to keep fighting for their relationship with Jesus.  
Moving 100 chairs every Tuesday afternoon is not just another chore on my list.  I am making a place for those far from Jesus to encounter Him if they want.  

I get up and pursue these things Jesus has put in front of me because I love Him, and I love people.  I am pursuing the pieces of His calling on my life that I know, and excitedly awaiting the parts yet to be revealed.  

13 January 2011

I've decided everything looks better in candlelight... I can even pretend my ugly pink tile bathroom is minorly cute when it's candlelit (and it happens to smell like a Christmas tree). 
I can't get over the joy I feel when I have clean, warm sheets on my bed. 
I bought new laundry detergent, and I think I might be in love with my freshly laundered clothes.
On "blah" days like today, these are the things that I choose to celebrate. 

11 January 2011

Today was a day that felt messy- busy but emotional so there was no time to deal with anything.  A day of trying to be genuine in the midst of trying to catch up to life... Despite the mental and emotional frustration,  I experienced this outpouring of hope and determination and intimacy with the Lord that I have not sensed in a while.  Life has been throwing its punches my way, but the Lord reminded me of one of my favorite verses... 
"You need only be still.  The Lord will fight for you." Exodus 14:14 
 And let's just say, Jesus can handle what life was throwing my way.  

How refreshing were those 11 small words... 
Words I've read probably 72 times before...
Nothing eloquent or special about them on their own...
But they were inspired from Heaven thousands of years ago, and God whispered into my heart today...

The renewed hope mixed with a fresh awareness of my brokenness makes for a smile through my tears. That is a welcome change. 

A few years ago, my campus pastor taught on how the Lord wants to put a fighting spirit back into our hearts, how God doesn't want us to ever stop fighting in our struggles.  Jesus did that for me today.  He restored my vision and my strength.  He reminded me that He's not the kind of god to give up on His little girl.  He is fighting for me.  
HE is fighting for ME.  So undeserving.  So unworthy, but He is fighting for me.  
He so deeply cherishes relationship that He fights for to keep our hearts.  
And what girl doesn't enjoy being pursued like that?

08 January 2011

I needed to read this today... I needed a little inspiration to keep fighting. I need a comeback... 

Definitely read this on a day when you're feeling a little defeated... 

04 January 2011

I love Real Simple magazine for so many reasons... This month's issue had a great article- 5 Things You Can Learn From Your Pet. I don't really love pets, but the article was great. 

This is my parent's dog, Maggie.  She is absolutely ridiculous.  

The first thing you can learn is "Celebrate everything."
Just like a dog celebrates the moment you walk through the door (even if you just walked to your car for a forgotten book or ipod).

I couldn't agree more... Why not celebrate National Jelly Bean day or your half birthday or getting an A on a test?  I love a reason to celebrate... I love a reason to have a little more energy in my day, a little more to smile about.  I think we could all be more intentional about looking for the little reasons to celebrate everyday.  

02 January 2011

My three weeks of not working turned into three weeks of playing hard and traveling all around the south (plus KC)... 
Started in Orlando to Kansas City to Lula (HOME!) to Atlanta to Charlotte to Birmingham to Memphis back to Lula and in one more day... finally landing in Orlando.  I plan to unpack my bags and hide them the moment I open my front door.

I had the privilege of celebrating New Year's Eve with some friends in Memphis.  While we rang in the New Year, I couldn't help but be a tiny bit reminiscent.  2010 is a year I'll always hold dear to my heart... 
I started off the year working at my beloved UGA Wesley Foundation with some of the best friends a girl could ask for.  I graduated from UGA, moved to Orlando, started a new job and started my Master's degree at Asbury all before August rolled around.  I found a new home church in sweet Summit and a delightful group of people with whom I can share my life in my connect group... I fell in love with a whole new group of freshmen.  This time they were Knights rather than little Dawgs, but I love them all the same.  I've had more fun in this year than should be allowed... 2011 has some shoes to fill!

On my drive from Birmingham to Lula, I was alone for about 4 hours.  Perfect thinking time which depending on my state of mind can be renewing and refreshing or absolutely painful to be left alone with my thoughts for that long.  This drive was a mix of those.  The Lord blessed me, but He's also challenging me and reminding me of His place in my life.  As a result, I am making a quasi-New Year's Resolution...

In 2011, I am going to simplify. 
This is the message I am hearing from everywhere these days so maybe it is time I started really listening... and acting.
~Declutter... materially, spiritually, socially
(Let's just saying cleaning out the physical closets will be a cinch.  Decluttering the soul stuff is going to be a process, a long, excruiating, but so necessary process. My heart already hurts just writing this.)
~ Return to the basics in my walk with Christ. It's time I stopped making Jesus so complicated.  
~ Some adjustments to my life's rhythm are going to be necessary to create some space for simplicity... Routine- I am happily returning to you my long lost friend.
~ Honesty in relationships... After reading Practicing the Presence of People, I'm even more assured that relationship is much more enjoyable when we allow ourselves to really love others and be okay with that. In protecting ourselves, we miss the joy of being in community.