07 December 2010

Easy week around Wesley for now... Thankful for that.
Freezing cold in central Florida... Can't say I'm really thankful there.

Starting a Bible study/book study on Prayer in small group... Thankful for that.  Challenged by it already.  Makes me miss UGA Wesley in a way.  Prayer was always the cornerstone, the priority.  They have a unique calling for powerful, persistent, joyful intercession that I got to enjoy and learn from in my time there.

Ever have a day or a week where you're pretty sure, you're on the verge of a breakthrough the with Lord or with understanding yourself?
I'm there today.  Maybe it's a good thing I'm being reminded of the central place prayer should have in my life.  Communion with God, my rootedness in Christ is essential, necessary, fulfilling, the reason I exist. It deserves to be reestablished as the glasses through which I view the world- it's skewed by any other perspective than Christ's. 


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