18 May 2010

I'm off to babysit for a sweet family from my church for a few days.  This is the second time I've been asked to babysit for a family over the period of a few nights.  I am always blown away that people trust me.  I mean, do these parents know that I sometimes sleep in until 11, forget to eat meals, have a messy bedroom, sometimes read until 2am? Am I actually capable of taking care of three children for more than a few hours? Are the kids confident of my skills? Ahh... I just think it's funny how unqualified I feel to take care of anyone but myself- that's a task that I don't even always accomplish properly.  Don't get me wrong- I always have so much fun getting to babysit and spend quality time with kids when their parents are away, but it blows me away the amount of responsibility they trust me with.  I feel like I learn so much when we're just one on one compared to just visiting the family.  I love to learn about different families and their bedtime rituals and rules, how they do meals, what's expected of their kids. I love the individuality of every family.  I admire so many of the parents I've sat for because of the way their children act when they're not watching- they're trained them well.
I also have a new found appreciation and awe of moms.  How do they function every day?  After four days with 3 fabulous and adorable children in Orlando last December I was exhausted. I mean, not just a little tired, but sleep in for days and still not recover kind of tired. Not because the kids were misbehaving but because life with kids is so active 24/7.  I have no idea how moms find time to get dressed for the day or read a book or talk to Jesus or have a hobby.  I can't imagine being a mom and knowing the work never has an end.  Then again, there are those sweet little moments when they say something so precocious and funny, or they curl up in your lap with a little book and stuffed animal.  I guess that provides some energy or at least, encouragement for the day.
I'll leave you with my favorite toddler quote from one of these cuties.
Me: Mabry, do you know where rainbows come from? (I ask this question thinking I'm going to reinforce the story of Noah's Ark and teach her some great Biblical truth.)
Mabry: Of course I know! Disney World!  (Of course! Why didn't I think of that?)


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