14 May 2010

I just registered for my first class of seminary/ grad school...

Mistake #1: Reading the syllabus
Ahhh!!! I am terrified.  I am pretty much bound to fail this one.  Three books read and reflection paper due on day one of class.  Then, a 15 page research paper due 11 days later on a subject I haven't yet been enlightened on.  On top of the first week of classes with the campus ministry I'll be working for. This shouldn't be a big deal except that I spent my glorious undergrad years at the University of Georgia and NEVER wrote one single research paper.  I think the longest paper I wrote at all was 6 or 7 pages.  This might be the end of me.  So long good academic standing- Asbury's Counseling program just might do me in.

Mistake #2: Looking for textbooks
Why? Oh, why are you so expensive? This was the nail in the coffin.

On the bright side, I get to read a book by Henry Nouwen called The Wounded Healer which I have been planning to read already.  Good thing I'll have a good excuse to be reclusive and sneak off into corners and read now.  Actually, that may be all I do for the next few years.


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