15 August 2011

Sometimes I laugh at the way Jesus phrases things to me... He seriously has His own super clean version of UrbanDictionary in my mind.

Today He said to me during worship "I'm gonna rock this thing.  You aren't even going to believe it."  
In my mind, it was like a cocky quarterback before a rival game- pumped up on adrenaline, picturing the end result of a crushing game like he somehow knows the ending.  
I pictured God rubbing His hands together, smirking as He's seeing the end result of this season I find myself in.  

I'm glad You're smiling, Jesus... could you pass some of that hope my way?

Also think this song perfectly describes my current life situation... surprise, surprise! It's T. Swift.  I'm telling y'all... We should be best friends.

A Place in This World- Taylor Swift

07 August 2011

Went for a long walk in Winter Park yesterday... so good for my soul

Totally needed to read this today... 
"Understanding will never bring you Peace.  That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in your understanding." Jesus Calling, Sarah Young

The devotional goes on to expound on that idea, but oh did I need to hear that in this season.  I don't have to understand- I am pursuing the wrong path in trying to understand the whys and the hows.  

Way to go Jesus! You are so good at crushing my idols- all of them, even the ones I was blissfully unaware of until now.